Monday, October 09, 2006

Full Circle at the Apple Orchard

Went picking apples with my daughter and grandbabbies (see cute granddaughter, left) late last week. Apples and pumpkins ... they're both available for picking at the orchard I visit every fall.

I first went to the orchard over 15 years ago. Back then it was nothing but apple trees, pumpkins and a hay-wagon to transport city folk in search of a rural experience.

Now it's friggin' Disneyland. Go-cart rides, a petting zoo, pumpkin carriages, a gift shop to rival The Mall of The Americas, inflatable "jump houses," a corn maze, a fence maze ... the list goes on. What was once a pleasant two hours of quiet, agrarian pleasure has morphed into an over-crowded, stressful, tire-your-ass-out extravaganza of hectic activity.

Fortunately, we went during the week, when the crowds are at a minimum and (mercifully) half the "attractions" are not up and running.

The Lovely Mrs. Taylor and I went back again Sunday, this time with the intention of doing a little "guord shopping" in the aforementioned gift store. Our plans changed abruptly, however, when we discovered the nearest parking space was in another time zone. Mrs. T picked up the guords she needed for her annual Halloween display at a nice, little gardening shop down the road instead.

It may sound as though I begrudge the apple people their chance to turn their quiet little orchard into a mega-buck cash cow, but I don't. It's the American way. More power to 'em, I say.

But next year I think I'll go to this other apple orchard a friend recently told me about. It's a small-time operation; one horse-drawn hay-wagon, a bonfire and a gift shop smaller than my living room.

I figure I'd better give it a visit before they get around to installling the monorail and Magic Kingdom. Posted by Picasa


ms. meshuga said...

I always kinda liked the quiet hayride through the orchard in the crisp fall, too, but seriously. A petting zoo? The kids love it! Thanks for braving the craziness, old man. I guess to us city folk it still seems like a pretty mellow time.

Mike Taylor said...

You city folk have a wierd persepective on life, toots. "Mellow" is a cold beer in the back yard on a warm summer afternoon, with the charcoal just beginning to ash over, knowing there are two big-ass steaks marinating in the fridge and another 23 beers in the cooler. Now, THAT'S mellow.