There are 300 million people living in the United States, and I got to choose between Granholm (seen at left with my buddy Brandon F.) or DeVos as my state's next governor.
Those were the best offerings the Repelicans and Democraps could come up with. I, personally, know at least three people who could do the job better than either of them.
And if you believe their television commercials (I do not) then they are both either: a) baby-killing abortion lovers; b) criminally negligent business people who value dollars over lives; c)anti-Americans; or d) haters of mom and apple pie.
Actually, both candidates aired numerous commercials designed to exaggerate what they laughingly call "the truth." Their televised accusations and comments are the political equivalent of a made-for-TV movie. There may be some aspects of their stories which almost resemble the facts, but then again, there may not be.
The real message of those political commercials is this: "I sure hope the voters are stupid and lazy enough to buy into this dreck!" And sadly, most of us probably are.
Through my job as a reporter, I've met both Granholm and DeVos and had the chance to talk with them one-to-one at length. You wanna know the truth? They're both fairly nice folks. And I think they both have an honest desire to serve We The People.
It's a shame our political system is such that they've both been forced to stoop so low to grub for votes. It really is.
I like both of 'em personally. But neither got my vote. I voted for the Libertarian candidate, whom I've never met or interviewed. I figure, what the hell.
These days, the less I know about a candidate, the better I like him.